Where is this service available?
This service is available FREE of charge in many of our McCabes Pharmacies across Ireland.

How does the BMI service work?
One of our highly trained colleagues will have a private consultation with you in order to calculate and discuss your current BMI. If necessary, our colleague can then offer advice on how to achieve a healthier BMI.
What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?
Body Mass Index or BMI is a tool used to see if you are at a healthy weight. BMI uses your height and weight to calculate if you are a healthy weight, overweight or underweight.Â
What is a Healthy BMI?
A BMI of less than 18.5 is considered underweight and a BMI greater than 25 is considered overweight. Over 25 indicates an increased risk of stroke, diabetes and heart attack. Maintaining a healthy weight is vital to achieve overall health and long life. Keeping a normal BMI of between 18.5-24.9 is a good indicator of your current health.
Less than 18.5 - Underweight
18.5 - 25- Healthy Weight
25 - 30 - Overweight
30 or more - Obese
Why is it important to monitor my BMI?
The World Health Organisation (WHO) lists a high BMI as a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, bone and joint problems including osteoarthritis and a number of cancers, including breast, colon and endometrial cancer.